Maternal & Child Health

Maternal & Child Health
The goal of the maternal and child health (MCH) staff is to provide guidance and resources to improve the physical, socio-emotional health, safety, and well-being of all Kentucky women, infants, children, adolescents and their families
Programs & Topics in MCH
Car Seat Safety
CCHD offers FREE car seat inspections with a certified inspector. Contact Tarasha Morrow at (270) 887-4160 Ext. 137 to schedule an appointment.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
Works with clinic and environmentalist to perform lead inspections on suspected lead poisoning patients.
Safe Sleep
Safe Sleep Kentucky - A statewide effort to raise awareness of and help inform parents and other child caregivers of the importance of safe sleep for babies. The effort seeks to prevent SIDS related infant deaths by emphasizing ABCD, the four letters associated with best practices for safe infant sleep:
- A is for Alone – Stay Close – Sleep Apart.
- B is for Back – On my back for night and naps.
- C is for Crib – In a clean and clear crib.
- D is for Danger – Be aware not impaired. Drinking and drug use impair your ability to care for a baby.