Family planning services are essential to the health and wellness of women in Christian County. CCHD provides confidential counseling, education, pregnancy testing, and birth control services. In addition, complete physicals, Pap smear tests, and other labs and screenings can be provided.
CCHD provides affordable cancer screening services including complete physicals, pap tests, and mammograms for women 40-64 who have no insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare. In addition, CCHD provides pregnancy testing and counseling, family planning services, and mammogram referrals. These services are on a sliding scale fee according to income.
CCHD provides many preventative health services for the whole family, including adults of all ages. Employment and DOT physicals, TB skin tests, cholesterol screenings, STD and HIVe testing (and treatment), diabetes management, hypertension management, family planning services, pregnancy testing and counseling, pap smears, and mammogram referrals are available through CCHD’s clinic.
Adult immunizations including:
- Influenza
- Tdap
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Shingles
- Prevnar 13
- Gardasil
- Varicella

The Christian County Health Department is here to make sure your family, specifically your children, are healthy, happy, and safe.
Lead Poisoning Prevention
Childhood lead poisoning prevention - Children under the age of 6 are encouraged to be screened for lead poisoning.
Child immunizations are essential to the heath and safety of your children and their communities.
Exams & Physicals
Well child exams & physicals - Nurse practitioners and nurses can provide well child physicals to all children from birth - 21 years old. School physicals are available year round.
Harm Reduction
Harm reduction’s goal is to address the spread of blood-borne diseases amoung intravaneous drug users, promote preventative health and clinic services for testing and substance abuse counseling and treatment, and to foster a better community by creating a safe place for the disposal of contaminate syringes.
Harm reduction programs are associated with a 50% decline in the risk of HIV transmission.
Harm reduction services include:
- Collection of contaminated needles/syringes with biohazard disposal.
- Counseling clients on treatment resources.
- Distribution of male condoms.
- HIV screening and referral to treatment.
- Dispersal of proper sharps containers for future use.
- Hepatitis C and HIV screening
- Overdose education.
Contact: Cloie Rager (270) 887-4160 Ext. 108 for more information

Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed collectively. Epidemiologists investigate disease outbreaks and other threats and search for the cause of disease, who is at risk, and how to control the spread.
Epidemiologists might investigate environmental exposures, infectious diseases, injuries, non-infectious diseases, or even natural disasters.
Epi forms:
Yes. All services are strictly confidential and it is not required for a parent to be present for these services. It is encouraged to discuss these things with your parents, they will only know if you choose to tell them.
No. WIC is only a supplemental program. If you run out, you are responsible for buying more formula.
If a child is running a fever or if he/she feels moderately or severely ill the day of their appointment, it is not recommended for them to get vaccines that day. A mild illness with a low-grade temperature is usually not a problem.
Yes, children without insurance or those whose insurance doesn’t cover vaccines are eligible for VFC vaccines. This stands for “Vaccines For Children” and they are vaccines set aside by the state at affordable rates for those without insurance coverage. The cost is based on a sliding scale that is determined by the number of people in the house and the household income.
The CDC has found no link between autism and vaccines. Many of the websites claiming this type of information are not medically based and their studies, if any, are unreliable and have not approached their research in a well-grounded, scientific manner. For the most reliable information regarding vaccine safety, please click HERE.
For foreign travel information on which vaccines are recommended for the country you’re traveling to, call 502-564-4478 or click HERE.
Here, the vaccines we have available for adults are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tdap, MMR, and Varicella. Any other vaccines recommended may possibly be available at the McCracken County Health Department in Paducah, KY. Their number is 270-444-9631.
Adult Immunization
Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.
This immunization is a combination vaccine that protects against three potentially life-threatening bacterial diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).
Hepatitis A vaccine is a vaccine against the hepatitis A virus.
Hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis B, an infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV).
Your risk of shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia(PHN) increases as you get older. CDC recommends that people 60 years old and older get shingles vaccine to prevent shingles and PHN.
Prevnar 20 protects against pneumococcal pneumonia, which is different from a cold or the flu. This illness is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, a common bacteria whose symptoms can appear quickly and be severe.
Protects against the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Most people—about 9 in 10—will get an HPV infection at some point in their lives. HPV infections can cause health problems, including several kinds of cancer in both women and men.
Protects against measles, mumps and rubella.
Protects against chickenpox.